World's biggest hotel named Hotel Prora least have 10000 hotel rooms but surprisingly there has never been willing to stay in the guest rooms of the hotel rooms on offer.
Hotel Prora which is the world's largest hotel was built in 1936 by the Nazis. The hotel is pretty bad sebnarnyatidak scenery is very beautiful hotel located right sEbeab dibibir beach Ruegen Island, Germany.
At least it has 10,000 hotel rooms Prora considerable amounts yes to a hotel but since the hotel was built 70 years plainly has not penah get guests who want to stay in this hotel room.
Hotel Prora apparently has a long history in the construction of this hotel was once a Nazi building for the purposes of recreation for workers egiatan German and means to spread Nazi propaganda.
Hotel Prora has reached 4.5 kilometer length of the building which was built 150 meters from the shoreline. The hotel is planned to be equipped with several facilities like i cinema hall for the festival, a swimming pool, and a dock that can be used for cruises.
At least the Nazis employs 2000 employees to build this great hotel but experienced Nazi war akaibat of developing the hotel's stalled employees who built this hotel was moved to build the warehouses and factories weapon.
The hotel building is a half-finished eventually be used by the military to Nazi German forces military post east.
Currently, the entire corner of the building was very quiet even though some blocks are used for the purpose. In 2011, for example, a block converted into a hostel with 400 rooms. Not only that, these days a new plan was made, Prora would become a modern tourist resort with 300 beds which includes tennis courts, a swimming pool, as well as shopping.
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