Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Vienna 2012: The Best Travel in History

Vienna's tourism industry can look back on the best year ever experienced: 12.3 million tourists who stay overnight, rising to 7.5% in 2011, setting a new record.

Beginning in January of each month until December 2012 recorded the number of tourists to stay overnight in Vienna - overall, an annual income of $ 12.3 million for one night which is an increase of 7.5% in 2011. "In 2012 Vienna continues to develop the area as a destination for international tourism. Celebration of the 150th anniversary of Gustav Klimt undoubtedly contributed to these results," said Norbert Kettner, director of the Vienna Tourist Board. In 2012, ten markets including Germany Vienna tourism, with visitors for one night as many as 2.399 million (+1%) in the first position, followed by Austria (2.241 million for one night, +7%), Italy (643 000, - 2%), Russia (634,000, +22%) and the United States (618,000, +10%). In the sixth of the ten points that the UK (429 000, +9%), Switzerland (384,000, +11%), Spain (379 000, - 2%), France (368 000, +7%) and Japan (309 000, +12 %).

 Vienna also saw strong growth compared to year 2011 from China (198,000 for one night, +40%), Turkey (129,000, +25%), Brazil (111,000, +39%), Saudi Arabia (74,000, +63%) , United Arab Emirates (71 000, +14%) and other Arab countries in Asia (101,000, +13%). Vienna accommodation capacity grew during the period of December 2011 and December 2012 starting from 2600 the inn (+5%) to approximately 55,000 residences, but there is a slight increase peningapan place with an average of 56.7% (2011: 56.5%) , the inn while rates unchanged at the 70% rate. In 2012 Vienna again confirmed, this time for the seventh time in a row, as the city's number one conference by the International Congress and Convention Association (ICCA), with 181 international meetings in 2011.

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